
       SPA I
       SPA II

       SDB I

       SDB II



SDB I sdb

2017 ITO was centre of my existence for a long time. The world around was full of wonders. Towards south, a long walk lead to the great Ground of Progress with giant pavilions. Down across the road to the river, stands a mountain with blue green marshy water at the base . On the top of it runs a great wall of yore, crowned by kiosks. Beyond the grand gateway. Further south is a mini wildlife sanctuary. Beyond this landscape stands the "Beautiful Town' on the left with nice quaint houses in straight rows.

One fine morning I found myself there walking to one of those buildings. Crossing a neat green patch on the pavement, I reached the wooden entrance door. Through glass panes of the window I noticed; an elderly, serious faced gentleman with his eyes piercing my frail being. I rang the bell, someone else opened the door and guided me into his room. He was wearing a grey colour Safari suit. There was something grey about the whole ambience.

Good morning Sir, I have an interview...
"Sit down, Tell me who has sent you ?"- Sir I got to know from someone that this office is looking for an "Urban Designer"!
Somehow, from his posture, it was evident that he was not too bothered about my great specialization or perhaps even of my existence. He looked out of the window, perturbed.
"Ahh.. well, but who told you ?" -- Sir, by word of mouth, from some of my teachers, like so and so, they were talking about it....
Hearing the names I dropped, he turned. He seemed ready to consider at least.
Still apprehensive, he asked 'Do you have any work experience ?' -- Sir, I have just submitted my thesis, but before joining this ... after my architecture ... for two years .....
He raised his hands in half 'Abhaya Mudra' to stop me.
"That's almost nothing"-- Well Sir I have also designed a house for a friend!
Achcha Thik Hai; so how much would you expect to be paid ?-- Sir, Frankly I don't know, but ...if I get a chance then ....
"Okay, that we shall work out later".

I thought my interview was over, but it was not. He said, and I remember his firm voice, "I am Jai, now you go and meet Jo upstairs for your Interview."

I came out and waited for a call from upstairs. The man who had opened the entry door now lead me up the stairs past a mezzanine level hall full of people working on drawing boards. Up on the first floor landing there was more light. He showed me the door this time and went away. I knocked sheepishly but with that light push the grey door leaf moved, it was open.

Here was the man I came for. He stood leaning forward with both his hands on his large table, looking intensely at a map. Hearing the knock he moved his eyes from the same position up at me and smiled,
Come in --- did you have a talk downstairs ?
Yes Sir, but I am yet to show my work, I said, still standing and feeling suddenly awfully worried about exposing my rather mediocre stuff in front of him.
Sit down please -- do you want some water?
No I am fine Sir , thank you. He sat himself down as I too did so. .
I believe you are an Urban Designer ! As if he was in some awe of the term, his eyebrows raised in wonder.

Ah finally, somebody cares ! And I was about to feel exalted in the first half of that tiny moment in my wretched life by obtaining the recognition. But in the second half the same moment his closed lips opened up morphing into a nice smile below his white mustache, eyebrows came down and the wide open eyes moved into a squint. He put on his golden frame glasses and reached for my papers and for the rather meagerly portfolio; as he picked up my thin CV and started peering down into it. I gaped as I could see, he remained stuck on the first page for some time and then, without proceeding any further, closed his eyes and slowly lifting the head he leaned backwards, resting shoulders on the back of his chair ,and perhaps, passed into a state of meditation.

Was he not pleased enough with my background ? He was yet to turn to the next page that declared my Urban Design capabilities! Hoping for the best I too moved into a reverie. In a flashback. I remembered how once at least my strange qualification was appreciated. And I went off into a quick flashback of another short interview :

During the Urban Design first year summer vacation I had gone home. I
met my neighbourhood elderly lady.

"... Hello I believe you are doing some studies in the capital ! So what are you learning there ?
- Urban Design ! madam.
What does that mean dear?
- We learn how to make designs of cities and towns !
Oh that's really nice. Would you be able to make some on bed covers and
even on dresses ?..."

This time it should be better. I gathered enough courage to pull him out of his slumber and said - Sir the next page has the Urban Design details please.

Well he never moved ahead from the first page and just sat up by the time came back to real word.

(to be Contd)


